
Cold Calling Sucks-- Change Your Selling Habits

We can’t make more sales unless we’re talking to more people. These simple steps will help to ramp your selling success to new levels.Your selling techniques most likely (or certainly should) include prospecting for customers by cold-calling. I’ve found that people who need to make 15, 20 or even more calls to schedule even a simple follow up call or meeting are often trying to make a sale long before the time is right.I Iphone 4s Battery can hear it now, “No, no, no! I’d rather have you drag me over hot coals and eat my own arm than spend my time cold-calling.” Many people wake up in the morning on a day when they need to do cold calls with thoughts of “I should just stay in bed today, cold calling sucks, I hate it and I’d rather be doing anything else right now.” Your attitude and mindset as you pick up the phone go a long way toward determining the outcome. A lot of us have heard that we should “smile” when we’re on the phone; great advice that I strongly believe in. It’s not enough though. Your positive attitude needs to start well before you dial and your objective must be clear.Your objective, when making your initial contact with a customer, is to begin a dialogue that later develops into a conversation around how your product or services may be of value. This first contact needs to be about moving things to the next step- a face to face meeting or another phone call when some time can be carved out for you to really learn about your potential customer- not meeting your selling targets for the month. A “sales pitch” at this point will result in a follow up appointment with only the most desperate of customers; not necessarily a bad thing but you want to be learning more about everybody.So…share! Share what you will bring to the table if given the opportunity to spend a little time with your potential partner (isn’t that what a customer should be?) Share your enthusiasm for who you are and what your company does, not through blowing your own horn, but by offering to teach your prospect the benefits of working together. Your selling habits need to include the sharing of your knowledge and expertise to both customers and prospects. Promise to share something of value with the customer whether or not they choose to buy and it’ll go a long way toward having your attitude and personality draw customers to you.How about tomorrow Android Phones at 1:00? You want to take the hassle out of moving forward for your prospective customer. Be confident and assumptive and keep the choices to a minimum. Offering to meet tomorrow morning at 1:00 or Monday at 9:00 is much more effective than asking your contact whether or not they’re available to meet next week sometime. The person you’re talking to is busy and is continually making decisions, so make sure you do everything you can to make this one a no-brainer.Take an approach to your selling that includes smiling through the phone, an attitude of giving, making things easy on your prospects and customers and a relentless thirst for sharing your value with as many people as you can.To learn more about Nolan Lowry and how to improve your selling, visit stopsellingnow.com

